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For an AVL tree, the balance factors of all the non-leaf nodes are 0 iff the tree is a complete binary tree. [F] perfect

For a binomial queue, delete-min takes a constant time on average.[F]

amortized cost O(1)

For a skew heap with N nodes, the worst-case running time of all operations (insert/delete min/merge) is O(N) [T]

Skew heaps have O(logN) worst-case cost for merging [F]


Recall that the worst-case time complexities of insertions and deletions in a heap of size N are both O(logN). Then, without changing the data structure, the amortized time complexity of insertions in a heap is also O(logN), and that of deletions is O(1). [T]

Insert { 1, 2, 5, 3, 8, 4, -1, 10, 128, 34, 15, 63, 18, -24, 186 } into an initially empty binomial queue, the resulting roots are 186, -24, 15 and -1. [T]

8+4+2+1 1 2 5 3 8 4 -1 10|128 34 15 63|18 -24|186

amortized analysis

Recall the amortized analysis for Splay Tree and Leftist Heap, from which we can conclude that the amortized cost (time) is never less than the average cost (time). [T]

Inverted index

While accessing a term by hashing in an inverted file index, range searches are expensive. [T]



external sort

To merge 55 runs using 3 tapes for a 2-way merge, the original distribution (34, 21) is better than (27, 28). [T]


In external sorting, a k-way merging is usually used in order to reduce the number of passes and we will take the k as large as possible as long as we have enough amount of tapes. [F]

并不是磁带越多越好,k路合并时应当将整个内存区域划分成 2k 个输入缓存区合 2 个输出缓存区,这样当 k 很大的时候,我们的输入缓存就会被划分得很细,一次能读入输入缓存的数据量就会减小(也就是 block 大小降低),那么我们的 I/O 操作就会变多。


Let S be the set of activities in Activity Selection Problem. Then the earliest finish activity a must be included in all the maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of S [F]



The decision problem HALTING returns TRUE, if, for a given input I and a given (deterministic) algorithm A, A terminates, otherwise it loops forever. The HALTING problem is NP-complete. [F]

HALTIING问题是不可多项式时间判定问题,即对于任意输入,它不能在有限多项式时间内通过任何算法得出结果。相反,NP-complete 问题是可判定的,所有NP问题都是可判定的。


Reviewing the randomized QuickSort in our course, we always select a central splitter as a pivot before recursions, make sure that each side contains at least n/4 elements. However, as the same as the deterministic QuickSort, the worst case running time of the randomized QuickSort is still O(N^2) [F]


1.Suppose ALG is an α-approximation algorithm for an optimization problem Π whose approximation ratio is tight. Then for every ϵ>0 there is no (α−ϵ)-approximation algorithm for Π unless P = NP.[F]


2.Let Aand B be optimization problems where it is known that A reduces to B in polynomial time. Additionally, suppose that there exists a polynomial-time 2-approximation for B. Then there must exist a polynomial time 2-approximation for A. [F]

approximation factor is not (necessarily) carried over in polytime reduction. See e.g. set cover vs. vertex cover.

3.A randomized algorithm for a decision problem with one-sided-error and correctness probability 1/3 (that is, if the answer is YES, it will always outputYES, while if the answer is NO, it will output NO with probability 1/3) can alwaysbe amplified to a correctness probability of 99%. [T]


4.Suppose that you have two deterministic online algorithms, A1 andA2, with a competitive ratios(approximation ratio for online algorithm) c1 and c2 respectively. Consider the randomized algorithm A∗ that flips a fair coin once at the beginning; if the coin comes up heads, it runs A1 from then on; if the coin comes up tails, it runs A2 from then on. Then the expected competitive ratio of A∗ is at least min{c1, c2}.



To solve the Maximum Finding problem with parallel Random Sampling method, T(n)=O(1) and W(n)=O(n) can be achieved with O(n) processors. [F]

with high probability not 100 percent sure

For an optimization problem, given a neighborhood, if its local optimum is also a global optimum, one can reach an optimal solution with just one step of local improvements. [F]
